Children's pick-up times will be staggered and families will be requested to bring their own pen.
Upon the designated person signing the child out, the teacher will escort the child out of the gate.
Nap mats will be assigned to each child and cleaned daily.
They will be stored separately and hygienically from other mats.
Mats will be placed strategically around the room with children's heads facing away from others.
There can be no 'stuffies' brought to school this year. NBCC will provide each child with a clean book and materials from their individual basket of tools, such as a clip board with a pen and paper.
Family's will bring their child's nap sheet to school on Mondays and take them home on Fridays for washing.
Children will bring their own snack & lunch to school to minimize the passing of germs and will be stored in the child's cubby.
NBCC is requesting that lunch & snack be brought in a brown paper bag with disposable utensils and that food items be stored in disposable containers & packaging as well.
When eating inside, seating will be strategically distanced, and when weather permitting, children will 'picnic' outside
Morning Drop off, health check, and sign-in will happen at the front gate.
Upon arrival, there will be a health check station for children to have their temperature taken. Parent/guardian will be asked general health questions by the teacher about illness symptoms, medication administration, sleep disruption, eating and/or behavioral changes within the last 24 hours.
If a child exhibits symptoms of illness at the gate, including a temperature of 99.5 or above and/or flu/cold like symptoms they will be sent home.
If a child exhibit signs of illness during the school day, the family will be notified to pick up & learning.
When the morning check-in is complete, the family/child goodbyes will take place at the gate and the teacher will walk the child into school where the child will place their lunch/water bottle into their cubby and proceed with their day of play and learning